Friday, February 27, 2009

USIS - House of Rpresentatives

USIS as I earlier decided is to have a total of 110 representatives. There has to be a leader of the house and some other members have to own up responsbilities in management of affairs of USIS through various councils/chambers/sectors.

1. Educational Council
2. Commerce Chambers
3. Agricultural Sector
4. Scientific Council
5. Legal Chambers
6. Constittitional Council
7. Employment Chambers
8. Defence Council
9. International Chambers
10. Revenue Chambers

These are ten basic strctures of governance that I feel should largely be sufficient to encompass every aspect of the governance of the USIS. These are fairly simple to understand. The head of each of these 10 structures/units would be selected by the President, a national model of governance being expected to run the USIS - affiliation to a particular political party is of not great significance. The party system itself should be ideally divided into Left, Right and Centre with well defined and documneted ideology. Its is not at all important that a representative of a residency has to be necessarily associated with one or another ideology.

There are to be some major allocation of funds to these 10 units of the hosue which need to be spent as per very strict guidelines to take further the development of good infrastructure of USIS and its 50 residencies. Finances are also to be distributed to the top 10 anf the 40 minor residencies in proportion to the revenues generated from each of them. This actually is a dynamic situation and it is possible that soe minor residencies may have financial powers bigger than one of the top residency of the USIS. What you shall Give is What you shall Get - should motivate the residencies to contribute in best possible manners so as to have higher income from the centre for their own developments. However, the National Budget should allocate separate amounts for national resources developments for uniform spending.

The residencies should have their own units of governance in place comprising of 5 Executives to steer their progress and developments in various local sectors. Housing shall be a subject of residencies, so also the promotion of a specific language and development of Universities. However, any citizen of the USIS should be allowed to choose to stay in any residency. student from any part of the USIS, if he fulfills all the relevant terms and requirements of an admission to some university should be eligible to pursue a course of his choice after High School certification.

A major emphasis of USIS should be to make and adopt laws for proper governace of the USIS as well as the various residencies- The common Uniform Civil Laws through its legal chambers unit. There also shall be definite provision for a database of human resources of trained personnel (Graduates) in specific disciplines available from the centre to residencies where they could actually obtain their services by way of employment or on a consultant basis. The private sector too could approach Government to provide a list of suitable talent in various fields.

I think I am not really very well focussed on several issues as of now. I should return to te House of Representatives at a later date. Yet it would be important and pertinent to discuss the qualifications of such people who should be eleigible to be elected as a representative of their residencies.

1. A minimum of a graduate degree in one of the disciplines from a recognised USIS university or even a foreign university.
2. There are tow types of age limits - a minimum age of 35 years and a maximum of 75 years shall be followed at the time of being elected
3. The election of the representatives would depend on the basis of a franchise cast by those who have attained a minimum of a High School certification and have attained an age of 20 years
4. The representative should not have been convicted by any criminal court for a murder or a financial conspiracy punishable under the laws of the USIS.
5. He must be a registered citizen in the USIS Citizen database. He/She must have been living in anyone of the residencies of the USIS for the past five years and in the specific residency for a period of one year from where he wants to contest the election. Non-resident USIS citizens would not be able to qualify for being elected to the house of representatives.

I think I should curtail my thoughts here for another day.These issues and points are up for debate, discussion and a thought for others to manifest the most suitable process for the election of suitable representatives to USIS House of Representatives.

Abhaya Sharma, India February 27 2009 5:58 IST

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