Respected Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh
A very Good morning to you and all the members of this FmXt which is no less than a home on the internet..
बिग बॉस
जग में तुमने फिर क्या देखा
गर नही मिले बिग बॉस से तुम
बिग बॉस से चलकर पूछ ही लो
क्या जीते और क्या हारे तुम
चेहरे पर चेहरे कितने हों
चेहरे की पहचान कराना
अंजानें चेहरे कितने हों
चेहरे का है ज्ञान कराना
चलो चलो मत टाइम गंवाओ
जल्दी जा कर कलर्स लगाओ
घड़ी में नौ बजने से पहले
सब घर वालो को बुलवाऒ
अभिमान नही दीवार नही
काला पत्थर शोले भी नही
आनंद मिली चुपके-चुपके
हर दिल के है अमिताभ यहीं
क्या नही पता तुमको यारों
बिग बॉस हमारे भाई बने हैं
भारत मां की शान बने है
वह एक नया इंसान बने है ।
अभय शर्मा
3 अक्टूबर 2009 11।40 रात्रि
Sadar Charan Sparsh
A very Good morning to you and all the members of this FmXt which is no less than a home on the internet..
बिग बॉस
जग में तुमने फिर क्या देखा
गर नही मिले बिग बॉस से तुम
बिग बॉस से चलकर पूछ ही लो
क्या जीते और क्या हारे तुम
चेहरे पर चेहरे कितने हों
चेहरे की पहचान कराना
अंजानें चेहरे कितने हों
चेहरे का है ज्ञान कराना
चलो चलो मत टाइम गंवाओ
जल्दी जा कर कलर्स लगाओ
घड़ी में नौ बजने से पहले
सब घर वालो को बुलवाऒ
अभिमान नही दीवार नही
काला पत्थर शोले भी नही
आनंद मिली चुपके-चुपके
हर दिल के है अमिताभ यहीं
क्या नही पता तुमको यारों
बिग बॉस हमारे भाई बने हैं
भारत मां की शान बने है
वह एक नया इंसान बने है ।
अभय शर्मा
3 अक्टूबर 2009 11।40 रात्रि
The above poem for those like me generally do not ponder over the day that has gone by.. not gone with the wind.. a phrase, I or rather we had used it for almost any situation at the slightest excuse.. the same way as some people now use gone for a toss..
The weather has been quite rough.. and if it did show up so at Amby Valley it is not a surprise.. the unit and its commitment is commendable to say the least.. what is not understandable is the surprise over the growth of these extra smart techs.. it must have all happened under your nose.. maybe it was for a very short while that you were not into films.. it could not have happened in a spur of a moment.. it is evolution and evolution sometimes is not noticed by the ones who are constantly in touch.. it seems to them that this has been exactly as it seems to be.. yet in the retrospective.. like what you do today.. one realizes the considerable progress that has been made..
Progress has also been made in Television by leaps and bounds.. the entertainment has kept us engrossed and engaged.. sometimes at the cost of our own real development.. this is no complain.. yet when I see and find that children who should be spending time in the ground developing skills in some outdoor activities are glued to their TV and computer set.. they say excess of everything is bad..
In my case, I do not rate Indian television in its present state of functioning as something likable.. I would at times only put on the sports events or at best some times (in distant past) have a look at the National geographic and or Discovery.. Cricket alone was the game that I followed for last ten years or so.. though I know there were times when I used to watch all the Tennis grand slam Tennis events.. How this change of mind took place.. why did it happen is not an easy task for me to answer.. yet at this stage of life.. I find TV as boring.. even news channels do not hold much of my interest.. Instead I would find some time to watch old black and whites over DVD player.. that is to say when I get time..
Yet it was not always like this.. there were times when Television was highly interesting.. we used to que up to find our way into the neighborhood to see chitrahaar or the sunday movie.. it probably means that something that is not readily available interests human mind.. Amitabh Bachchan movies are available in plenty at TV at all the time.. it has two fold negative implications - a person like me does not watch his movies on Television.. the other not true for me.. there would not be many who would now like to keep the DVDs of AB movies in their collection.. the third less obvious drawback a few may start hating someone they had held in such high esteem over the years.. think over it and think of these lines ..
Ati parichay se hot hai aruchi anadar bhaay
malayagiri ki bheelani chandan det jaraay..
I think the number of times I have used the phrase some one like sis Rose would have also got to read it if not know its meaning..
These are times that one has to keep oneself as updated as is possible.. the changes around us are happening at such a rapid rate that it is difficult if not impossible to keep a track of all development and progress.. at times it is not required to know everything.. some of the things become part of our lives without our great understanding.. email in the first phase and internet browsing in second phase have revolutionized our lives like never before.. yet does an average common Indian has an access to it.. does every child of India know how a computer looks like to touch it.. There are issues that India faces that have been buried into history.. the vertical growth of our cities and uneven horizontal availability of facilities in the rural atmosphere could be catastrophic... the deaths of Indian farmers would continue amidst the Chandrayaan success.. lack of school and education for the poor would be always present alongside people going to US, Australia and UK.. the rich shall continue to get richer even if poor do not get further poorer..
Oh my God.. I wanted to sound to be on a happy note.. but where has my mind taken me.. these reactions and remarks if they sound political to some.. I seldom care.. if these objections do not please the readers of this blog.. I do not stop saying what I have to.. if we have to proceed as a nations there have to be some binding forces.. there needs to be some rethinking on our part to move alongside our deprived lot than to become an Ambani or the sort..
The kind of flood like situation in the country is not a new to us.. it may not have been a regular feature yet it has been there in the history.. with all our development and scientific progress what kind of program have we evolved over the years.. History is important to let us know or learn things from our past and act as help to move forward by not repeating the mistakes of past.. does that happen in this country.. I wonder if it does.. it must be at such a miniscule scale that it is not visible to a short-sighted Abhaya Sharma.. and what has Abhaya Sharma done.. has he also not happily toed the line of the masses.. that is he not following the bhed chaal too.. just write about the issues and just do nothing about solutions.. I hate this Abhaya Sharma as much as I hate being ignorant of our surroundings.. ankh band kar lene se billi kabootar ko chhod nahi degi.. hum sab us kabootar ki tarah hain.. jo azaa hokar bas udana jaanate hain.. billi saamne aa jaye to ankhen moond kar sochate hai ki billi to hai hi nahi..
I think it has been enough of the activist in me to have voiced his opinion.. some of it may be useful.. some of it may be not so useful and some part may not be useful at all..
I take leave of you.. I have an appointment with Big Boss at 9 PM tonight.. I would like you to be evolutionary.. I would like you to be think beyond fixed lines.. I would also like you to work on the concepts of nation building .. I would be more than happy if you could say a few things regarding peace harmony and brotherhood.. I know you are still a huge force who has a power to turn any nation into any direction simply with your words.. you are a rationalist.. you are respected and you are revered.. the three R's for the success of a celebrity..
Love you and love everyone on the blog
Abhaya Sharma October 4 2009 13:14 Hrs IST
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