Brother this poem I dedicate to you for the Holi, I wish you sing it for jaya ji whenever you get time! I offer a possible translation I had to include the Hindi work again for comparison!
आदरणीय भाईसाहब
सादर प्रणाम
होली के शुभ अवसर पर एक गीत प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूं
एक गीत सुनाता हूं मन का
मन मीत कहीं ना खो जाना
हो सके तो भूले से ही तुम
इस जीवन में फिर आ जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
है प्रीत अगर सच्ची मेरी
सपना बनकर ही आ जाना
मैं आंख बिछाये बैठा हूं
फिर वापस आकर मत जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
हो सके तो फिर से जीवन में
जीवन का गीत सुना जाना
सुनकर मैं गर सो जांऊ कभी
फिर भी प्रियतम तुम ना जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
अभय शर्मा, भारत, 11 मार्च 2009 10.54 रात्रि प्रहर
Post Script : I shall attempt a translation in a while for friends like Rose, Reeham et al
I sing along a song of my heart
Oh my beloved don't ever get lost
If by any chance alone
Do return to my life once more
I sing along a song
If my love is true indeed
You come to me in dreams
My eyes are set on the path
Never go back once you come
I sing along a song
If it were possible in the life
Come sing me song of life
If I get asleep in that while
Don't go away for a mile
I sing along a song
Brother and the rest of guys who could read the Hindi version would find that there is not exact meaning and flow in the English version but the essence is very much there. I hope it was likable, I am not a big poet nor do I wish to become one, if I could please even one person with my writings I would consider that Gods have been kind to me! I was telling Rose about this post a short while ago, and I am sure she would definitely try to read if she gets time!
My translation is specifically for my friends in Russia - (E)Lena, Lyudmila, Zhenya, Tatiana (US based) and several other non-Hindi speaking friends on this blog. Reeham, Rasha and several others may understand the spoken Hindi but I doubt if they can read the Hindi fonts. And I had forgotten my German and Brazil friend earlier, It is also meant for them !
Brother this poem I dedicate to you for the Holi, I wish you sing it for jaya ji whenever you get time!
Love to all
Respected Brother and family,
Love, regards and never ever ending affection to all!
Brother, I am pleased with your words, not for the beautiful mention of Dr. Bachchan- your father and our kavi but also for your generosity to take him where he belongs in the hearst of people! He was always there for me and several more on this land of ours yet not given his due recognition during his lifetime. That reminds me of Munshi Premchand who most of his life lived an ordinary life with his extraordinary work. Why is it that we always tend to remember our genuis only after they depart!
I am thankful to Lena, Carla and others for beautiful words for rather ordinary though a meaningful poem, I hope and pray that the family that has been brought up by you through this blog always prospers, progresses and promotes peace on this earth. They are so special that I consider myself rather extremely fortunate to be one part of it! With you as the head of this family we can only imagine that you would continue to be of great value to us always and nver ever leave us. Man meet chhod kar mat jaana ...
I had some other unreported works of my poetry that I felt shy of sharing here but the kind of response I have received I shall share with you and the rest whenever I get time to be able to do so ..
किसने है कितना प्यार दिया
इस पार हमारे जीवन को
है मतलब नया दिया किसने
यह सोच रहा था बैठे मैं
उस पार ये क्या संभव होगा
है लगा हुआ एक मेला सा
फिर भी मन मेरा अकेला सा
किस पार चला यह रेला था
एक चाह लिये अलबेला था
क्या पायेगा अपनी मंज़िल
कहीं टूट तो ना जायेगा दिल
सपने कितने देखे है मन
अपने हरदम है खोजे तन
कहीं दूर से ही आभास मिले
सूखे उपवन में फूल खिलें
चल बगिया में पानी दे दें
जीवन अपना निर्मल कर ले ।
अभय शर्मा, भारत 12 मार्च 2009 8.25 प्रातः
This one is more difficult to be put across in verse mode without much serious time devoted! So I give a meaning for my friends (E)Lena, Carla and the rest –
There was this query in mind who has loved us lot on this side of the earth
Who has been able to assign a new meaning to this life I ponder upon a while
Whether it would ever be possible on the other side as well
Here celebrations do abound yet
I find myself in solitude
Where this caravan is headed
With thoughts so precious plated
Whether the ultimate could be achieved
Or the heart won’t again be deceived
The dreams that mind has conceived
To few ones to be always received
Let me get a distant feeling alone
That deserts one day shall bloom
I put water in the garden of life
To purify so hope is able to groom!
I don’t know every time, I say I would give a prose translation, the god tries to makes it sound like a poem, I know it is a crude one yet a song of my heart it is! Thank you God!
आदरणीय भाईसाहब
सादर प्रणाम
होली के शुभ अवसर पर एक गीत प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूं
एक गीत सुनाता हूं मन का
मन मीत कहीं ना खो जाना
हो सके तो भूले से ही तुम
इस जीवन में फिर आ जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
है प्रीत अगर सच्ची मेरी
सपना बनकर ही आ जाना
मैं आंख बिछाये बैठा हूं
फिर वापस आकर मत जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
हो सके तो फिर से जीवन में
जीवन का गीत सुना जाना
सुनकर मैं गर सो जांऊ कभी
फिर भी प्रियतम तुम ना जाना
एक गीत सुनाता हूं
अभय शर्मा, भारत, 11 मार्च 2009 10.54 रात्रि प्रहर
Post Script : I shall attempt a translation in a while for friends like Rose, Reeham et al
I sing along a song of my heart
Oh my beloved don't ever get lost
If by any chance alone
Do return to my life once more
I sing along a song
If my love is true indeed
You come to me in dreams
My eyes are set on the path
Never go back once you come
I sing along a song
If it were possible in the life
Come sing me song of life
If I get asleep in that while
Don't go away for a mile
I sing along a song
Brother and the rest of guys who could read the Hindi version would find that there is not exact meaning and flow in the English version but the essence is very much there. I hope it was likable, I am not a big poet nor do I wish to become one, if I could please even one person with my writings I would consider that Gods have been kind to me! I was telling Rose about this post a short while ago, and I am sure she would definitely try to read if she gets time!
My translation is specifically for my friends in Russia - (E)Lena, Lyudmila, Zhenya, Tatiana (US based) and several other non-Hindi speaking friends on this blog. Reeham, Rasha and several others may understand the spoken Hindi but I doubt if they can read the Hindi fonts. And I had forgotten my German and Brazil friend earlier, It is also meant for them !
Brother this poem I dedicate to you for the Holi, I wish you sing it for jaya ji whenever you get time!
Love to all
Respected Brother and family,
Love, regards and never ever ending affection to all!
Brother, I am pleased with your words, not for the beautiful mention of Dr. Bachchan- your father and our kavi but also for your generosity to take him where he belongs in the hearst of people! He was always there for me and several more on this land of ours yet not given his due recognition during his lifetime. That reminds me of Munshi Premchand who most of his life lived an ordinary life with his extraordinary work. Why is it that we always tend to remember our genuis only after they depart!
I am thankful to Lena, Carla and others for beautiful words for rather ordinary though a meaningful poem, I hope and pray that the family that has been brought up by you through this blog always prospers, progresses and promotes peace on this earth. They are so special that I consider myself rather extremely fortunate to be one part of it! With you as the head of this family we can only imagine that you would continue to be of great value to us always and nver ever leave us. Man meet chhod kar mat jaana ...
I had some other unreported works of my poetry that I felt shy of sharing here but the kind of response I have received I shall share with you and the rest whenever I get time to be able to do so ..
किसने है कितना प्यार दिया
इस पार हमारे जीवन को
है मतलब नया दिया किसने
यह सोच रहा था बैठे मैं
उस पार ये क्या संभव होगा
है लगा हुआ एक मेला सा
फिर भी मन मेरा अकेला सा
किस पार चला यह रेला था
एक चाह लिये अलबेला था
क्या पायेगा अपनी मंज़िल
कहीं टूट तो ना जायेगा दिल
सपने कितने देखे है मन
अपने हरदम है खोजे तन
कहीं दूर से ही आभास मिले
सूखे उपवन में फूल खिलें
चल बगिया में पानी दे दें
जीवन अपना निर्मल कर ले ।
अभय शर्मा, भारत 12 मार्च 2009 8.25 प्रातः
This one is more difficult to be put across in verse mode without much serious time devoted! So I give a meaning for my friends (E)Lena, Carla and the rest –
There was this query in mind who has loved us lot on this side of the earth
Who has been able to assign a new meaning to this life I ponder upon a while
Whether it would ever be possible on the other side as well
Here celebrations do abound yet
I find myself in solitude
Where this caravan is headed
With thoughts so precious plated
Whether the ultimate could be achieved
Or the heart won’t again be deceived
The dreams that mind has conceived
To few ones to be always received
Let me get a distant feeling alone
That deserts one day shall bloom
I put water in the garden of life
To purify so hope is able to groom!
I don’t know every time, I say I would give a prose translation, the god tries to makes it sound like a poem, I know it is a crude one yet a song of my heart it is! Thank you God!
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