Respected Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh
I expect that an expecting mother does not expect too much of the gender the expected baby assumes except it does not come with some unexpected or unaccepted deformities..
Accept it or not many people find it too difficult to see expect, except and accept as quite confusing they expect that when they use one of the three words they use it to be accepted in the expected manner except when they don't use it in a sentence.. without the positioning in a context we can expect that it becomes more difficult to accept our usage in its intended form except with the few brilliant who always are expected to derive an acceptable meaning that most others find difficult except in very few cases..
I know if I go further with my expected line of action I would not be acceptable to others except you and few others who know or understand my expected nature and accept me the way I am..
There was a willingness in you that you do wish and be able to communicate in other languages yet as you find an International language exists in the form of English that is around for good reasons the most accepted language in the world except in few parts of the world as China, Russia, French.. ( I am sorry it is not as an insult to these languages.. not at all)
To be able to communicate to the large group in a language of their own comes with much greater difficulty then what you expect.. if bigadda has not come to terms and already initiated action we must accept that they would have reasons for their expected behaviour.. one serious possibility is that there are wrong translations possible.. that may lead to more trouble than the help that you were expecting with such an arrangement.. some such factors are discussed below and are available for further debate.. from you as well the Fmxt..
1. How many languages do you start with the translation process
2. Which Languages do you choose from the fifteen national languages to be part of this blog.. and why the chosen and why not the ones not chosen..
3. Do you need only specific portions of your posts to be translated or the entire post.. part of the posts may become sometimes more difficult as to what is to be taken and what is to be left..
4. How does one go about the selection of translators for the job.. it is not only a matter of money involved alone.. one must be suitable for the job.. e.g. he/she should know you and your life in a reasonable manner so that could think and derive meanings which are beyond factual translations..
5. Does it have to be on the same blog or another blog.. imagine 15 languages on the same blog would clutter it just too much and 15 blogs would divide the FMXt into 15 groups.. some of the 15 logs may not really have any comments some days and there would also be a substantial loss of comments on the main blog..
6. Worst case would be f the responses are thrown into 15 languages (assuming te software and other things - willingness to express oneself in one's mother tongue for eaxmple are available).. what do you do with these comments.. do you wish that these comments are the translated back ino english and put up on the main English blog..
7. Assuming if all the queries and doubts that I have raised here are met satisfactorily.. just think of the man hours and your increased involvement with the blog.. it might just rob much of your time.. as such I have a feeling that you are indulging far too deeply with us.. mor than the expected and accepted.. an exceptional behaviour from someone who is blessed to act and provide some good entertainment..
These seven queries, arguments, doubts, viewpoint or whatever you think of them.. are coming from jus one individual in one sitting.. the list of possible doubts could actually be much larger.. I have not included Spanish the second largest international language.. though I have a feeling that Chinese (Mandarin) and Hindi would beat spanish only the statistics is not available to substantiate their case.. there are other International languages which have people who write here like Carla from Germany, Zhenya and Lena from Russia and I do not all those who speak different languages other than English at home..
Sadar Charan Sparsh
I expect that an expecting mother does not expect too much of the gender the expected baby assumes except it does not come with some unexpected or unaccepted deformities..
Accept it or not many people find it too difficult to see expect, except and accept as quite confusing they expect that when they use one of the three words they use it to be accepted in the expected manner except when they don't use it in a sentence.. without the positioning in a context we can expect that it becomes more difficult to accept our usage in its intended form except with the few brilliant who always are expected to derive an acceptable meaning that most others find difficult except in very few cases..
I know if I go further with my expected line of action I would not be acceptable to others except you and few others who know or understand my expected nature and accept me the way I am..
There was a willingness in you that you do wish and be able to communicate in other languages yet as you find an International language exists in the form of English that is around for good reasons the most accepted language in the world except in few parts of the world as China, Russia, French.. ( I am sorry it is not as an insult to these languages.. not at all)
To be able to communicate to the large group in a language of their own comes with much greater difficulty then what you expect.. if bigadda has not come to terms and already initiated action we must accept that they would have reasons for their expected behaviour.. one serious possibility is that there are wrong translations possible.. that may lead to more trouble than the help that you were expecting with such an arrangement.. some such factors are discussed below and are available for further debate.. from you as well the Fmxt..
1. How many languages do you start with the translation process
2. Which Languages do you choose from the fifteen national languages to be part of this blog.. and why the chosen and why not the ones not chosen..
3. Do you need only specific portions of your posts to be translated or the entire post.. part of the posts may become sometimes more difficult as to what is to be taken and what is to be left..
4. How does one go about the selection of translators for the job.. it is not only a matter of money involved alone.. one must be suitable for the job.. e.g. he/she should know you and your life in a reasonable manner so that could think and derive meanings which are beyond factual translations..
5. Does it have to be on the same blog or another blog.. imagine 15 languages on the same blog would clutter it just too much and 15 blogs would divide the FMXt into 15 groups.. some of the 15 logs may not really have any comments some days and there would also be a substantial loss of comments on the main blog..
6. Worst case would be f the responses are thrown into 15 languages (assuming te software and other things - willingness to express oneself in one's mother tongue for eaxmple are available).. what do you do with these comments.. do you wish that these comments are the translated back ino english and put up on the main English blog..
7. Assuming if all the queries and doubts that I have raised here are met satisfactorily.. just think of the man hours and your increased involvement with the blog.. it might just rob much of your time.. as such I have a feeling that you are indulging far too deeply with us.. mor than the expected and accepted.. an exceptional behaviour from someone who is blessed to act and provide some good entertainment..
These seven queries, arguments, doubts, viewpoint or whatever you think of them.. are coming from jus one individual in one sitting.. the list of possible doubts could actually be much larger.. I have not included Spanish the second largest international language.. though I have a feeling that Chinese (Mandarin) and Hindi would beat spanish only the statistics is not available to substantiate their case.. there are other International languages which have people who write here like Carla from Germany, Zhenya and Lena from Russia and I do not all those who speak different languages other than English at home..
Where do I conclude or rather what does one conclude..
If I were Amitabh Bachchan.. and if it were my blog.. I would not look forward for the external help of translators to complicate the issues.. I would rather include with the help of some of the members of FmXt to translate some short messages from me into their respective languages..
Of course, I would also initiate efforts to use Hindi far more significantly on this blog than its present level .. not for Hindi being my mother tongue or the provider of my bread ( butter is already gone .. at this age I don't think you need butter.. in any form) but for the simple fact that there has been a much larger association of Hindi amongst the countrymen.. and also that there are queries from the section of readers in their askance..
I know no Punjabi or Tamil or a Bengali would expect you to write in those languages. and let me tell you except in few cases do not expect that people would accept such kind of translations.. that would not be coming directly from you.. it would definitely miss the personal touch with what blogs are supposed to deal..
The last word on making the blog available in several langauges is a big no from me..
I would rather expect you to change the poll question and take the opinion of the follwers of this blog as to what do they think..
a. It is a highly welcome idea but think of other world languages too
b. It appears a waste of resorces and avialbale talent
c. I will definitely raise your popularity
d. It should be your decision alone, it does not affect us at all..
e. I would prefer it to be a maximum of bilingual English and Hindi
f. Just English is fine enough
Then and only then brother should you jump to conclusions of making what you say n the national languages.. If you have guessed my response to be 'e' you are not far from the truth.. though I support all the last three equally.. now that is not done.. I or no one can cast three votes when we are expected to cast one opinion three is unacceptable except in a rare case when your turn comes to cast your vote too.. ( A tie or in case of minor differences in the margin..)
I expect I have not hurt your feelings that was never ever my intention.. I do not insist that you should like my exceptional post or accept it in totality.. yet if such a issue is not put up for poll I would feel hurt.. I care and respect your decisions.. yet once in a while you too should accept an acceptable request from us.. tha you call us the members of family.. no, you make the decision or act at your own but in democratic set up it is better to hear what the Junta says..
Love Affection and Pyaar
Abhaya Sharma September 14 2009
Post Script : Today being Hindi Divas I do submit an old poem for you and all Hindi speaking, understanding and liking people ( Renate is included among so many others lke Carla, Zhenya etc. and surprisingly many Indians here do not know Hindi- Kishore and Reshmi you ar not the only ones) I shall try to put up the anglicised version of it later.
If I were Amitabh Bachchan.. and if it were my blog.. I would not look forward for the external help of translators to complicate the issues.. I would rather include with the help of some of the members of FmXt to translate some short messages from me into their respective languages..
Of course, I would also initiate efforts to use Hindi far more significantly on this blog than its present level .. not for Hindi being my mother tongue or the provider of my bread ( butter is already gone .. at this age I don't think you need butter.. in any form) but for the simple fact that there has been a much larger association of Hindi amongst the countrymen.. and also that there are queries from the section of readers in their askance..
I know no Punjabi or Tamil or a Bengali would expect you to write in those languages. and let me tell you except in few cases do not expect that people would accept such kind of translations.. that would not be coming directly from you.. it would definitely miss the personal touch with what blogs are supposed to deal..
The last word on making the blog available in several langauges is a big no from me..
I would rather expect you to change the poll question and take the opinion of the follwers of this blog as to what do they think..
a. It is a highly welcome idea but think of other world languages too
b. It appears a waste of resorces and avialbale talent
c. I will definitely raise your popularity
d. It should be your decision alone, it does not affect us at all..
e. I would prefer it to be a maximum of bilingual English and Hindi
f. Just English is fine enough
Then and only then brother should you jump to conclusions of making what you say n the national languages.. If you have guessed my response to be 'e' you are not far from the truth.. though I support all the last three equally.. now that is not done.. I or no one can cast three votes when we are expected to cast one opinion three is unacceptable except in a rare case when your turn comes to cast your vote too.. ( A tie or in case of minor differences in the margin..)
I expect I have not hurt your feelings that was never ever my intention.. I do not insist that you should like my exceptional post or accept it in totality.. yet if such a issue is not put up for poll I would feel hurt.. I care and respect your decisions.. yet once in a while you too should accept an acceptable request from us.. tha you call us the members of family.. no, you make the decision or act at your own but in democratic set up it is better to hear what the Junta says..
Love Affection and Pyaar
Abhaya Sharma September 14 2009
Post Script : Today being Hindi Divas I do submit an old poem for you and all Hindi speaking, understanding and liking people ( Renate is included among so many others lke Carla, Zhenya etc. and surprisingly many Indians here do not know Hindi- Kishore and Reshmi you ar not the only ones) I shall try to put up the anglicised version of it later.
कवि का सम्मान
फिर आज कवि के मन में
कोई उपज पनपती कविता है
(कवि ने सीख लिया था जग से)
कैसे कहां किसीसे कब क्या
जग में कितना कहना है
भीतर मन में उमड रही है
शब्दॊं की लटपट धार कहीं
झांक लिया अपने मन में
फिर एक बार हो ध्यान मग्न
भावों को संचित कर अपने
अपने कर में एक लिये कलम
(लिखना कवि ने प्रारंभ किया)
मस्तिष्क की सीमाऒं कॊ चीर
कवि जग में था बन गया पीर
चंचल चपल चतुर चंदन चुन
रच दिये गीत देकर नई धुन
अपने अधरॊं पर उन्हे सजा
जग के सम्मुख कर दिये लजा
वह बच्चन था या कॊई अन्य
कविता पढ़-सुन जग हुआ धन्य
कवि चला गया जब इस जग से
जग ने कवि का सम्मान किया
क्या जग ने कवि का सम्मान किया?
- अभय शर्मा
मुम्बई, भारत, 9 जुलाई 2008.
Psoted on day 510 of ABs blog on Hindi Divas day..
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