Sunday, August 30, 2009

To Amitabh Bachchan Day 496

Respected Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh
I am bemused with the kind of thought provoking and contemplative write-up in todays post the crux of the matter was definitively on past and how we protest over past in our present.. yet the onus to rediscover the past does not lie only in finding faults with it sometimes.. or rather many times the PAST TEACHES US TO ACHIEVE SIMILAR FEATS WHAT OTHERS DID ACHIEVE IN THE PAST..
Oh that was indeliberate capitalisation.. yet once it did happen I retained it.. not for posterity.. not for any greater significance yet for the reason that this probably would be the guiding feature for this ongoing post from me..
I know Shivaji.. I would not love that anyone finds faults with him.. I also know I love Bhagat Singh and would definitely get disappointed if someone had to raise some fingers of any accusations on him.. I was deeply hurt when some text books had referred to his acts as the one similar to terrorist-like activities.. how sad..
The Congress with its middle of the sea Shivaji resort might just not be initiating a revival of interest in the great Maratha but also doing some good to our understanding of the history of the Maharashtra or Marathwada.. If there have been such projects regarding the great men especially the kind of Nehru and Gandhi why not raise such monuments for the great warriors in Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Pratap and Laxmibai of Jhansi and maybe if my wishes have some meaning why not a Bhagat Singh Memorial as well..
We are to learn of our great scholars from the text books that were written by foreign writers in a foreign language.. Can we not preserve and promote our own heritage if we understand the significance of our history.. Yet I would rather not like to imitate the statue of liberty like erection of the Shivaji monument.. Shivaji existed and excelled in the hills of Sahyadri.. (I hope I am not entirely wrong in my observations..) I would have loved that one of the regions near his forts should have developed into a monument on him..
Coming back to the subject of India and Pakistan or commitment of errors.. I feel I have clubbed two unrelated issues into one sentences yet they are related..
India and Pakistan as some people say were circumstantial is wrong.. nothing is circumstantial in History.. nothing happens on its own… though we may ascribe bigger share of the partition to British our own fallibility into their traps can not be ignored.. whether it was Jinnah or Nehru or Gandhi’s fallacious thinking.. it has to be analysed without any strong convictions in favour or against them.. one can not or rather one should not take every act of our great leaders as free of errors.. they too were human being and they too fall into that often quoted phrase - to err is human .. they were great for some of their acts.. they could be ordinary in some other acts and they could even be sloppy in some of their acts.. I am not here to point fingers or accuse one more than the other.. I am also not here to unravel the history of partition.. yet I am here to say that it indeed is that stroke of misfortune.. it is that scar that does not disappear.. it is that same wound that still bleeds whenever the interests of two strong communities or rather countries (now) come to a conflicting stage..
If we say that it (India) is a Hindu land nothing could be far from the truth.. I mean it indeed is a Hindu country with great records and statistics proving it to be so.. ( yet I feel, erroneously, my preceeding statement if read alone would sound to mean the other way..) but to say that it is not a Muslim country is not correct.. I know of Mughal India in medieval times that may have had good or bad times yet those were the times more close in the history of India than the Vedic or pure Indic times.. they (Muslims) have been part and parcel of this country for very very long times.. it would be wrong to undo their stake to the land.. and Partition of India and Pakistan did exactly that in such a division.. if Nehru was to be termed a culprit a Jinnah can not abstain from being at the wrong end.. if Gandhi had failed it can not be termed as a success for Jinnah as well.. If Congress was at fault the Muslim League was equally responsible.. if British were to be blamed the blame must also fall upon India as well as Pakistan in succumbing to their plans and ploys..
How do I conclude this.. I do not know.. I only know that I love Urdu as much as I love Hindi .. it is different that I can not read their script but it does not mean I (we) do not understand their language at all.. I love Akbar the great as much as I love a Rana Pratap or Shivaji Mahraj.. I may not have been to a mosque yet I can not rate them below any temples.. I might not have extended a hand of friendship to a muslim yet I have not even developed a sense of enemity towards anyone of them.. In a nutshell I have nothing against the coexistence of the two religions in the greater interest of both the communities..
I prefer to sing Mohammad Rafi songs with the same fervor as the one’s sung by Mukesh or Kishore Kumar.. I rate Shah Rukh Khan in the same class as that of Amitabh Bachchan.. I also rate Zakir Hussain as true representative of Indian music as much as the Ravi Shankar.. In Mumbai, I rate Haji Ali a great Historic and religious place as the Siddhi Vinayak or the Mahalxmi temple.. and yes I am not afraid if either a Hindu or a Muslim gets enraged by my these statements.. If I am punishable under some laws I am prepared to undergo the most severe punishment.. yet I would never say that India belongs only to Hindus or that Pakistan belongs only to Muslims.. in fact I would say that India (undivided) belongs to the human beings who inhabitate it than to any of our religious credentials.. we have had such diversity and yet emerged as a great democratic country.. why can we not embrace Pakistan into our fold as a friend.. why is it that we should always keep harking upon the differences rather than embarkng upon our similarities..
I know brother I have spoken a little more than what I should have.. yet I am not afraid if you or anyone on this blog dislikes my thinking.. I would not mind if you or others start neglecting or disapproving of my thinktank.. it is all right no two people can always think alike on some topics.. I would love to conclude with the song ..
Tu Hindu banega
na musalmaan banega
insaan ki aulaad hai
insaan banega…

Abhaya Sharma August 31 2009 9:45 AM IST

Friday, August 28, 2009

Amitabh Bachchan Day 494

फिर एक कहानी याद आई
फिर नया तराना याद आया
फिर तुमसे मिलने की खातिर
यह अभय दुबारा फिर आया

परम प्रिय अमित भाईसाहब
सादर प्रणाम
यह पहला अवसर होगा या शायद दूसरा या फिर तीसरा जब मैने आपको नाम लेकर संबोधित किया होगा, नही कारण कुछ भी नही है बस यूं ही सोचा, परिवर्तन के लिये देखते है, कैसा लगता है किसी इतने विशाल व्यक्तित्व को नाम लेकर पत्र लिखना । क्षमा चाहता हूं भाई मुझे तो ऎसा करना बिल्कुल भी अच्छा नही लग रहा है निल्कुल शोभा नही दे रहा । चलओ इन बातॊं को यहीं छॊड़ देते है । आगे बढ़ते है, उस हिंदुस्तान की बातें करने को जी चाहता है जिसने कभी इतिहास के पन्नों पर कुछ एक ऎसे भी लोगों को जन्म दिया है जिनका नाम आज भी अमर है और सदा ही अमर रहेगा ।

अपने भारत की तुमको तस्वीर दिखाता हूं
आओ मेरे साथ चलो उनसे मिलवाता हूं

यही जन्म था लिया बुद्ध ने
नानक की यह धरती थी
राणा प्रताप के घोड़े की
और झांसी वाली रानी की

वीर शिवाजी की गाथा की
टीपू की सुल्तानी की
भगत सिंह बलिदानी की
मंगल पांडे सेनानी की

एक एक योद्धा ऎसा था
कर्मभूमि का मातृभूमि का
जिसने शीश नवाकर अपना
सच कर डाला था सपना

अभय शर्मा 29, 30 अगस्त 2009 12.06 रात्रि प्रहर

खडी हुई चट्टानों पर थी
चिल्ला कर कहती पुकारती
अख्टअमारा कहां खो गया
सागर की लहरें कर गर्जन
देती थी दस्तक दहाड़ कर
प्रिय तुम कहां चले थी कहती
बिलख-बिलख कर रोती जाती

सन्नाटे की रात में मैने
सागर तट पर खुद जाकर
अख्टमरा आवाज सुनी है
दिल को छूकर ठेस लगाती
हां मैने आवाज सुनी है
पर नही पता था अब तक
मुझको दर्दनाक किस्सागॊई यह

घर पर बैठे ही बैठे फिर
आज वही आवाज सुनी है
अख्टमरा की बात बता कर
याद पुरानी ताजा की है ।

(I was in Port Blair during the year 1971-1973 at the tender age of 12 to 14 and I was highly observant of these sounds.. especially I had found the sounds very fearful when I had visted the Junglee Ghat seashore on that fateful Holi when few of the friends who had gone to some beach I don’t remember which boarding on the truck had met an unseemingly cruel end in the road accident.. On the same day I later learned that my elder cousin Yogendra Kumar Soti had died in a road accident in Bijnor.. I had faced death in my full understanding for the first time.. and I was highly adamant to bard that truck that day but senior friends had denied me the right.. maybe had denied me to die then.. one day I have to though..)

अभय शर्मा 29, 30 अगस्त 2009 12.44 रात्रि

पुनश्चः आज किसीने कहा कि ऎसा लगता है कि तुम कविताओं की चोरी करते हो इस आशय से नही कि वह मुझे अपमानित करना चाह रहा था पर शायद इस्लिये कि उसे विश्वास नही होता था कि एक वैज्ञानिक का और कविता का कैसे नाता जुड़ सकता है । बहस के मूड में उस समय मै था नही और जिस तरह बात कही गई थी इस बात की गुंजाइश वहीं समाप्त कर दी गई थी, इतनी अच्छी कविता आप कैसे लिख सकते हो । वैसे मै अपनी तरफ़ से यह अवश्य जोड़ना चाहूंगा कि धन कमाने के उद्देश्य से मैने कविता कभी भी नही लिखी और शायद न कभी लिख ही पाउंगा । यह बात कह कर कुछ कुछ अपने मुंह मिया मिट्ठु बनने वाली कहावत के दोषारोपण का शिकार तो मैं बन हि रह हूं बेहतर होगा कि आगे कुछ न कहूं ।

अमिताभ ४९३

(अनिल भारद्वाज (मेरे साथ) - नितिन की शादी पर )

आदरणीय भाई साहब
सादर प्रणाम
एक कविता आपके निमित्त प्रस्तुत करने का साहस किया है स्वीकार कर कृतार्थ करें –

मेरे हाथों में
जो हाथ तुम्हारा होता
हाथ तुम्हारा थामे
मै क्या तुमसे कहता

भाई तुम्हारी आभा
जग में फैल रही है
और तुम्हारे मन में
भाई मैल नही है

मै तो छोटा सा हूँ
नाम अभय है मेरा
कर पाउंगा कैसे
मै गुणगान तुम्हारा
फिर भी अपने हाथों में
पा हाथ तुम्हारा
पुलकित होकर झूम उठेगा
यह मन मेरा

क्या कहीं कभी यह सब
एक दिन तब संभव होगा
हम होंगे तुम होगे
साथ निराला होगा ।

अभय शर्मा 29 अगस्त 2009 9 बजने में 2 मिनट
मानसी शंकर (वाशिंगटन डीसी) – जन्मदिन की विशेष शुभकामनाये
अनिल भारद्वाज (Nigeria ) - जन्मदिन की अनेको शुभ कामनाएं

Monday, August 24, 2009

amitabh day 490

आदरणीय परम प्रिय भाईसाहब
सादर चरण स्पर्श
अत्र कुशलं तत्रास्तु के उपरांत यह पत्र आपके सम्मुख प्रारंभ करने हेतु उपस्थित हुआ हूं । आगे समाचार यह है कि आपके यथोचित विचारों से अवगत होने का सौभाग्य या अवसर जो हम लोगों को प्राप्त है उसके लिये आपका विशेष आभार प्रकट करते हुये इस वार्ता को आगे लिये चलते हैं ।
यहां यह बता देना आवश्यक है कि जिस प्रकार आप हम लोगों के प्रति इतने अधिक आकृष्ट है उतना ही आकर्षण या आप उसे जो भी नाम देना चाहें हम लोग भी आपके प्रति कुछ कुछ ऎसी ही भावनाओं के साथ यहां इस ब्लाग पर लिखने को आतुर रहते हैं । यदाकदा इसमें कहीं कोई त्रुटि अगर हम लोगो से हो भी जाती है तब भी इस बात का मुझे या कहिये हम सभी को विश्वास है, यकीन है कि आप उसे अवश्य ही अनदेखा या नजरअंदाज कर देते हो । यह पारस्परिक विचारों का आदान-प्रदान, अपनी-अपनी भावनाओं से एक दूसरे को अवगत कराना, आस-पास घटित घटनाओं पर टीका-टिप्पणी करना तथा कितने ही अन्य पहलुओं पर वाद-विवाद में हिस्सा लेना अपने आप में एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव से कम नही है ।
आपके अपने जीवन के विषय में जितना करीब से हम लोग आपको जान पाये है या समझ सके हैं उसमें इस ब्लाग का कम योगदान नही है इस बात से तो आप स्वयं भी अपरिचित नही होंगे, अनभिज्ञ नही हो सकते ऎसा मेरा अपना मत है । जीवन में आपसे प्रेम अथवा लगाव तो सदैव ही रहा पर आपके सन्निकट होकर अपनी बात आप तक पहुंचाने का परम सौभाग्य पिछले एक वर्ष में इस ब्लाग पर ही संभव हो सका है । मै समझता हूं कुछ-कुछ इस प्रकार के विचार आपके मन में भी अवश्य ही उठते होंगे । इस ब्लाग द्वारा आप अपने प्रति समर्पित जनसमूह के प्रति अपनी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने का माध्यम तो मान ही सकते है । कुछ लोग जिन्होने आपसे एक अच्छे अभिनेता होने के नाते सदा ही प्यार किया, आपके द्वारा अभिनीत फ़िल्मों को सराहा या जिन्हे आपके व्यक्तिगत जीवन के बारे में जानने की रुचि थी यह ब्लाग वास्तव में मील के पत्थर का वह पड़ाव है जिसका कोई अन्य माध्यम बराबरी नही कर सकता । हां, मैं यह भी अवश्य ही कहना चाहूंगा कि इस को सपने को साकार करने में आपकी भूमिका हम सबसे कहीं अधिक अहम है, आपकी इच्छा हम सबसे कहीं अधिक बलवती है, आपका नियमित रुप से यहां लिखना इस बात का द्योतक बन गया है कि हमारा आपसे अब एकतरफ़ा रिश्ता नही रह गया है, हम लोग एक परिवार के सदस्य की भांति एक दूसरे के इतने निकट हो गये हैं कि भौतिक स्तर पर आपसे मिलना या हाथ मिलाना या किसी अन्य रुप में आपसे निकटता जाहिर करना इस निकटता की बराबरी कतई नही कर सकता । मेरा अपना मानना है कि आपके जीवन का यह संस्करण (क्षमा चाहूंगा आपके जीवन को इस तरह आबद्ध करने के लिये) सत्तर के दशक के एंग्री यंग मैन से किसी भी दृष्टि से कम नही है । मेरे कितने ही प्रश्नों के उत्तर मुझे बिना पूछे ही मिल जाते हैं, कभी-कभी यह एहसास भी हुआ है कि आप चाहे नाम लेकर ना भी कहें फिर भी हम लोगों के प्रश्नों के उत्तर आपने यथासंभव देने का सदा ही प्रयास किया है ।
इसे आप अगर मात्र प्रशंसात्मक दृष्टि से ना देखे तों आप पायेंगे कि हज़ारों अभय आप के प्रति यूं ही नही उमड़े चले आते हैं, आपके कलम से, ओह, कम्प्यूटर से प्रेषित भावों में कुछ निरालापन तो अवश्य है जो हम सबको अपनी तरफ़ खींचता है, प्रत्युत्तर में कुछ कहने को बाध्य करता है, आपके और अधिक निकट आने की हम सबको सलाह देता है ।
अगर मैं, मै ना होकर हम कहूं तब यह अधिक उचित होगा, कि हम सब आपके इस अवतार से अत्यधिक प्रसन्न है, हमारी यही चेष्टा रहेगी कि आप और हम इन्ही बंधनों में बंधे रहें एक परिवार के सदस्य की तरह जहां कोई आपको अपना भाई मानता है, कई अन्य आप के प्रति आस्था में रिश्तों से अधिक आपके व्यक्तित्व को तवज्जो देते है, आपके सर्वसंपन्न गुणों से परिपूरित जीवन को कुछ अन्य आदर्श मान कर भी चल रहे है तो कोई गलत काम नही कर रहे हैं । डॉक्टर बच्चन तथा श्रीमती तेजी बच्चन आज स्वर्ग में अवश्य ही इस बात से अत्यधिक प्रसन्न होंगे कि उनका लाल आज जो भी कर रहा है अच्छा ही कर रहा है । अब मुझे आज्ञा दें, मेरी त्रुटियों की ओर ध्यान ना देकर अगर यहां व्यक्त भावनाओं को ही सर्वोपरि मानेंगें तब मेरे आनंद की कोई सीमा नही रहेगी । नही, नही आपको इस पत्र का उत्तर देने की कोई आवश्यकता नही, आप इसे एक बार पढ़ लेंगे वही मेरे पत्र का उत्तर हो जायेगा, मेरे लिये यही पर्याप्त है कि मेरा लिखा आपने एक बार पढ़ तो लिया, इससे अधिक कुछ भी नही हो सकता ।

आपका अपना अभय
अभय शर्मा, भारत, 24 अगस्त 2009 9.15 प्रातः
पुनश्चः सदा ही मै हिंदी में इतने विस्तार से लिख पाउंगा इसकी आशा कम ही है । इस बात से हमें निराश नही होना चाहिये कि हम क्या नही कर सकते अपितु इस बात से संतुष्ट रहना चाहिये कि हम क्या कुछ कर सकते हैं ।

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ganesh- Vandana

Here is a poem that was created last year!
Abhaya Sharma August 23/24 2009 12:44 AM IST

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amitabh Show - My inputs

Most respected brother -


My most sincere greetings and much respectful charan Sparsh..
First and foremost an idea to organise a congregation of FmXt.. well, I think the best way possible could have been to organise it on a city level.. for example Mumbai and Pune could be the first two cities where such Interactional atmosphere could be created..
In my view.. a mere meeting would not be much of a help.. so I decided to have a conference on Amitabh Bachchan and Indian Cinema- The Viewers Perspective.. Where one could be shown the clips from some of the most successful films where you acted.. It could also be extended to talks by some eminent filmologists on your contribution to Hindi Cinema in the hardcore four decades where you struggled.. you succeeded.. rose like an angry young man.. the downtimes.. followed by KBC and return to the mainstream Cinema.. the blog and its great impact on us.. and maybe only if you consider it appropriate a select few from the FmXt could also be given a minute to say a line or two .. all this if it could be compiled into a compact 2 to 3 hours show.. one could then book Tata theatre for a couple of weekends.. well, well, I would not mind anything else but open air arena could mean more of publicity than a meeting with FmXt.. You would need to identify some similar places in other towns.. I may not have much to say there.. so you can drop atleast one member of FmXt who has willingly chosen not to speak.. yet at the same time I would wish that you do send a few passes to me.. two and half passes at that.. one for me and my wife and the half for my son Amrit.. it is all right if you are not able to oblige.. I shall not mind if the tickets fit into my budget and are also available.. such a show would be sold out even before the windows open.. Oh.. I forgot.. you could definitley ask some of your co-stars ver the years to join if they could.. most of the actresses like Jaya ji herself, Hema ji, Rakhi ji, Zeenat Aman and if possible even Rekhaji.. ( if Jaya madam allows..!!) Among the actors I would rather love the presence of Dilip saab ( Not for Shakti but for being a role model to someone as great as you..), Shashi Kapoor Sahab, Mr. Vinod Khanna, Rishi Kapoor, Dharmendra Paaji and the Superstar Rajesh Khanna and maybe even Shotgun Sinha.. and if Pran Sahab too could make it.. it should only add diamonds to the glitterati.. I know his long presence on the Indian screen has not yey been awarded a Dada Saheb Falke or any other major life time achievement award for his immense contribution..

So much for the show.. so little for its agenda.. It should be less formal and other than the clippings.. you could in fact introduce your co-workers in your own definitive style.. I would not mind being a silent watcher.. The movies that I would choose for clipping should include some sequels from the following :Amar Akbar Anthony (Gisele’s favourite), Deewaar (my and half of india’s favourite), Sholay (Entire country’s favourite) and also other films like Saat Hindustaani ( The beginning of your kahani..), Trsihul, Don, Naseeb (chal chal mere bhaai..), the inimitable Don ( Khaaike paan banaras vala).. Shakti ( the battle of the giants), Hera-Pheri, Adalat, Kabhi-kabhie, Muqaddar Ka Sikanadar, Mohabbatein, Black, Sarkar, Virudh.. There neeed not be any commentary associated with the clippings it must be run just like a film made out of films.. no sequence is important and How did I miss Anand, Abhimaan and Chupake-Chupake the rest of the best could be picked in poster time a 10 seconds clipping of your other important films like Silsila, Yaraana, Dostana, Satte pe Satta, Sharaabi, Coolie, Kasme Vaade, Mr. Natwarlal, Khoon Pasina, Do Anjaane, Bemisaal, Jurmaana, Laavaris and whatever that you feel you did your best the one I like is Mai Azaad hoon.. in fact that song .. jitane baaju utane sar.. gin le dushamn dhyaan se..

Well, I realise it is a very toughproposition for a one man Abhaya Sharma to be able to do complete justice to such a show and its contents.. I have just broadly defined the outline.. I think Abhishek with the help of some young blood like Ritesh his friend could do more justice to the final outcome.. I know you would not find it embarassing once the show starts.. you may feel awkward if you were to organise.. but should not feel restless and out of place if yo just have to be a part of it by your mere presence among the ones like us.. those who have held you in highest esteem..

I can only hope my idea was clear these days I am highly in an indecisive mode and reckless in approach.. depsite my sincere wish i am not able to find time to be here or at Facebook.. of course one part of my atention is about the swine flu.. and the impact that it is likely to make on our lives in the next coming six seven months.. a huge gathering that I thought could be organised around your birthday on 11th October does not appear to be such a great idea with air-borne H1N1 influenza circling around us looking for opportunities to break loose on us..

Has no one approached you for advertisement of informaton about the deadly virus and the kind of care it warrants.. I know every one wants to promote themselves.. yet I know for sure that in India you and your voice counts a lot.. people would stop for a while if you say the same words which the medical team.. ministerial delegates or any other avenue which wants to highlight our concern about the unfortunate swine flu.. let us see if someone reads this approaches you or even SRK or Hrithik for that matter.. John too has a pleasant smile and is a succesful model.. Our fight against H1N1 has to be much stronger than what it appears right now..
More later
(sorry for a lot of incoherent thoughts mingled up aimlessly and turning out a Khichri of the sort.. Take the better discard the rest..!)
Abhaya SharmaAugust 12 2009 16:16 IST